Thought Field Therapy

Changing Thoughts, Changing Feelings

A quick, energetic technique that helps with issues as diverse as phobias, trauma, physical pain and jet lag. Tap into your potential energy and release negative thoughts and feelings rapidly.

Sonia Richards BSc(Hons), MSc, TFT-Alg

Case Study

Chris, aged 30 was suffering high anxiety and had developed a generalised fear of transport. He was also experiencing claustrophobia, IBS, panic attacks and anxiety related to social engagements.


Interfering completely with his quality of life & ability to work Chris was also using alcohol to reduce anxiety in social situations and was unable to fly. His last flight prior to our work ended up with him having to leave the aeroplane as it sat on the runway before take-off.


We completed 3 sessions together.

Session 1:

Firstly we dealt with the anxiety to reduce the adrenal arousal. After this session Chris went on a road and boat trip with his best friend to visit relatives in Ireland for the first time in years. I taught him some techniques to remain calm and relaxed. We also did some mind body hypnotic work to help alleviate his IBS symptoms. On the way back from Ireland the car blew a tyre on the motorway which in the past would have sent Chris spiraling out of control. He remained calm and dealt with the situation. His IBS symptoms have also diminished and alcohol consumption has been vastly reduced.

Session 2:

Chris was feeling much more positive and was now seeking some help with motivational issues as he wanted to get fit and join a gym having been too anxious to do this in the past. He was also wanting to go on a train journey so we worked on his feelings about this and how he could feel calm and in control. He made the journey that week which lead to improved work prospects for him. Chris has now joined a gym which he attends several times a week.

IEMT was invaluable in reducing Chris’s negative emotional associations and enabling him to motivate himself.

Session 3:

We worked on his fear of flying. Chris was very keen to be able to fly to Ireland to see his relatives and to actually take a holiday abroad with his girlfriend for the first time in 10 years.

The session was IEMT driven to change his response to his previous flying experience and move him beyond the loopback to this event. It helped to break the cycle which was similar to PTSD revealing the lynch pin that kept him looping back and released him to move beyond this event.

Flying Success!

Chris has now flown to Ireland three time in 6 months and has also booked a holiday to Spain with his girlfriend. In his testimonial he states: “I would even say that I enjoy flying now! I never thought that this was possible until I came to see you.”